this is the effort porting the classic DOS Descent leveleditor DEVIL written by Achim Stremplat to modern platforms like Linux or Windows. The graphics backend was ported to the LibSDL. There were no changes regarding the UI, it should feel (nearly) like the old DOS program.
Development follows a simple roadmap:
warning: this is an alpha version. It might crash even more than the original devil in it's current early developement state, but i'm working on it. If you really want to use it, save your work often and under different filenames. However in my test it worked quite well and I already created a few levels with it for testing/debugging purposes.
still confused? well, Descent is a 360 degrees action game developed in the early ninetees by Parallax Software. If you don't know it you really miss out :-) Check out one of the sourceports of the game, for example Zico's DXX-Rebirth
Original DEVIL was written by Achim Stremplat and further developement done by Lars Christensen.
Descent is a trademark of Interplay Productions
Descent and Descent II are copyright (C) by Parallax Software Corporation
SDLDevil was written by Florian "v66r" Feucht